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Dietary Specifications

Do you have vegan products?

TABLE OF VEGAN PRODUCTSItem DescriptionNet WeightFormatVeganLOOSE LEAF TEA & TISANE - FOOD SERVICE POUCHES  English Breakfast375gLoose LeafYIrish Breakfast375gLoose LeafYEarl Grey375gLoose LeafYOrange Pekoe375gLoose LeafYMasala Chai375gLoose LeafYGun

Are all of your products gluten-free?

TABLE OF GLUTEN FREE PRODUCTSItem DescriptionNet WeightFormatGluten FreeLOOSE LEAF TEA & TISANE - FOOD SERVICE POUCHES  English Breakfast375gLoose LeafYIrish Breakfast375gLoose LeafYEarl Grey375gLoose LeafYOrange Pekoe375gLoose LeafYMasala Chai375gLo

What products are caffeine-free?

TABLE OF CAFFEINE-FREE PRODUCTSItem DescriptionNet WeightFormatCaffeine FreeLOOSE LEAF TEA & TISANE - FOOD SERVICE POUCHES  Lemongrass & Ginger200gLoose LeafYPeppermint200gLoose LeafYChamomile Flowers200gLoose LeafYRelaxing Herbs200gLoose LeafYLiquor

Are your products all organic?

TABLE OF CERTIFIED ORGANIC PRODUCTSItem DescriptionNet WeightFormatCertified OrganicLOOSE LEAF TEA & TISANE - FOOD SERVICE POUCHES  English Breakfast375gLoose LeafYIrish Breakfast375gLoose LeafYEarl Grey375gLoose LeafYOrange Pekoe375gLoose LeafYMasal